Flowers and plants that can be planted at home in the spring

These days, heads are found in the streets. From the design of green spaces to florists, who put their colorful vases on the sidewalks, flowers are everywhere. People like the tail of Eid to be full of flowers. As spring approaches, unconscious people are happier. They want to bring color, flowers and light to their homes. That's why at the end of Eid and spring, florists are full of colorful flowers. Basically, they put their number of lively and beautiful pots on the sidewalks to give them more opportunity to show off and be taller, so that they can fall in love with the spring charisma and penetrate into people's houses.

These days, people like to be surrounded by flowers. All you have to do is walk the streets, you will see all the cafes, restaurants and shops lined up in pots, and the sellers will give them water with love and affection. Because flowers promise better days. The flowers, with their wonderful beauty and delicacy, tell us to get rid of grief. Spring is the new day that brings happiness. We also look forward to the promise of a new birth and a brighter life. So let us join this many spring and flower lovers and flower our house. Let's start the spring with the flowers smiling and wish that all the days of the new year are full of flowers.

Spring is approaching and we are very happy that you are trying to make the garden and small pots of the house a new and colorful cover so that the world will be a more beautiful and better environment for you to continue living. Each season has its own flowers, flowers that make that season beautiful and fresh. Spring flowers can also bring this freshness to your home.

Tulip is a popular and lovable plant

Certainly, we have all heard the name of the beautiful tulip flower and we have seen its beauty and freshness in spring. Tulips are grown in Iran in winter and spring, and in the second half of March, they are found in flower and plant distribution centers. Tulips have a great variety of colors. Tulip is a spring flower that appears in colors such as red, orange, yellow, pink, light blue, purple, cream, white, dark brown, black and green.

It is interesting to know that so far more than 15 types of tulips have been identified by breeders. In appearance, the size of the flowers of the species varies and varies between 17.5-2.5 cm. Of course, this amount is considered until the flowers are fully open. Also, the height of these species varies between 90-7.5 cm.

What tulips are suitable for storage?

You should be aware that most tulip species are not suitable for home storage, and some species of this plant are for planting and cultivating those that take less time to flower. For example, Keizerskroon with yellow flowers with red stripes (Brilliantstar) or bright star with red flowers (Scarlet Cardinal) or red cardinal, Gardenparty Garden Party Merry widow, or happy widows, with red flowers and white edges, are species that can be easily maintained. In general, tulips are divided into two categories in terms of horticulture, the first category is tulips with long flowering branches that are suitable for cut flowers, and tulips with short branches and large flowers that are mostly planted in pots.

How is the care and maintenance of tulips?

Suitable temperature for tulips

The ideal temperature for storing this plant is 16 degrees Celsius during the day and between 4 and 7 degrees Celsius at night. In fact, if you keep tulips in pots, move them to a cooler place at night.
Required light: The tulip needs indirect light or filtered light.
Moisture required
The soil of the plant needs constant moisture. As a result, observe the dryness of the soil surface to irrigate. Tulips do not need fertilizer.

After the flowering period of tulips, there is no need to irrigate it. When the leaves are completely yellow, remove the tulip bulbs from the soil and place them in a paper bag or air-permeable cardboard bag, or place the plant in the soil with the bulbs in place. Take care until December next year.

Lawn enamel
This flower is available in different colors of white, red and blue. You should sow its seeds in August and September so that you can enjoy the beauty of its flowers from mid-March to late spring. Do not forget that this flower is accustomed to a sunny and somewhat shady place.

If you are careful, violets are mostly planted in gardens and parks due to their high resistance and give a special beauty to their surroundings. In addition to its beauty, it has many medical uses, including good blood purifiers. Violet is another spring flower. The birthplace of violet flowers is in temperate regions of the world. A flower that has short stems and various colors of yellow, white, purple, purple to a mixture of these colors. This plant has been found in more than 500 species so far, 19 of which are native to Iran. It should be noted that in our country, fragrant violets and tricolors that are native to Iran, as well as ornamental violets known as violets, are found more than other types of violets.

Maintenance and care of violets

Soil required for violet The soil required for this plant is light and rich soil. The use of leaf soil, cocopeat and perlite is suitable.

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