10 natural ingredients to strengthen potting soil
There are many home remedies for potting soil. Many foods can be a great alternative to fertilizers to strengthen the soil. In the following article,...
Hydrological niche segregation of plant traits
Water is one of the major drivers determining distribution and abundance of plant species. Namely, plant species’ presence and location in the landscape can be explained...
12 dazzling purple houseplants
You may want to keep an apartment flower with colorful leaves because these plants have a lot of effect and give the space a new...
Flowers and plants that can be planted at home in the spring
These days, heads are found in the streets. From the design of green spaces to florists, who put their colorful vases on the sidewalks, flowers...
Why organic plants and fruits are expensive
The first step in planting an organic garden is to understand the meaning of the word organic. Organic gardening means cultivation without the use of...
6 simple steps to propagate seeds and flowers
You may also be interested in the fact that using egg yolks can be a great way to propagate seeds. All you have to do...