10 natural ingredients to strengthen potting soil

There are many home remedies for potting soil. Many foods can be a great alternative to fertilizers to strengthen the soil. In the following article, we will look at 10 natural ingredients to strengthen the golden soil.

Egg shell is a good booster for potting soil

Egg skin is a good booster for potting soil. When using eggs, do not throw away the shell and use it to strengthen the soil in your pots. Because it is a kind of natural fertilizer. Some people even believe that eggshells do not need to be ground. This is because the skin decomposes and turns into soil by settling in the soil.
This skin contains large amounts of minerals such as silica, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium and .... Materials that are very useful for soil strengthening and you can use it. As you know, the use of solid or liquid fertilizers is according to a special recipe, so much so that by slightly upsetting this balance, the plant will suffer a lot and you will get the opposite result.
You can also cook eggs and pour the juice into your golds. This can also strengthen the potting soil.

Coffee and tea can strengthen the potting soil

Do not throw away tea leaves after drinking tea and coffee. Because coffee is good for plant growth and you can use it to grow your plant. Coffee nitrogen causes the stems to turn green and firm. Magnesium and potassium in coffee are also essential for the optimal growth of the plant in the pot.
Tea leaves are also rich in nutrients for the plant. Substances that can strengthen the plant. Some of the properties of tea pulp for the plant are:
• It causes the plant to grow.
• Provides essential nutrients to the soil.
• It is a cheap and convenient way to strengthen the plant.
• Never burn plant roots.
• It is a good alternative to soil toxic and chemical substances.
Tea leaves can brighten the color of plant leaves.

Aspirin can also strengthen potting soil

According to research, water containing aspirin can cause 100% plant growth. To do this, you can mix one and a half aspirin tablets with 2 liters of water and add it to the soil. Pour this mixture into a bottle and then spray on the plant once every 3 weeks. This can strengthen the plant and prevent disease. Salicylic acid is what is found in very small amounts in plants. This substance is present in aspirin and can strengthen the immune system of the plant and cause it to flower.
Glial - 10 natural ingredients to strengthen potting soil

Ash can also strengthen potting soil

Maybe you are one of the people who live in the village. Maybe you have a pile of fire that contains things like rubble, broken branches, and so on. You can throw them away and use their ashes to strengthen your soil. Because it contains large amounts of calcium, potassium and high alkalinity. Substances that can cause plants to flower and bloom.

Oysters can also strengthen potting soil

If you live in coastal areas. Areas where there are many oysters. You can remove and crush the oysters and then use it to strengthen the potting soil. Because oysters contain high amounts of calcium carbonate. The same substance that makes more soil.

Human fertilizer can strengthen potting soil

Human waste can also strengthen potting soil. Of course, this fertilizer has a degree of risk that you need to manage. So do enough research before doing anything.

Banana peel is one of the best ways to strengthen potting soil

Banana peel is one of the best natural ingredients to strengthen potting soil. Because it contains high amounts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, etc., which can make your potting soil healthy.
To use banana peel, you can grind it and then use it anywhere in the soil up to about 6 inches lower. Or you can grind it and then dry it and then add it to your fertilizer. Or simply add it to the soil in your pot.
You can also strip the banana peel into a single hand and place it in the oven tray. The oven temperature should be between 77 degrees and 93 degrees Celsius. After the banana peel in the oven changes color and dries, you can take it out of the oven and wait for it to cool and then use it.

You can put some of this skin in plastic and then put it in the freezer to make it more resistant to decomposition. Mix the rest with the soil. Of course, you must be careful not to spill the powder directly on the soil roots. The important thing about using banana peel is that the skin must be completely dry to retain the nutrients inside.
This will eliminate the occupied volume of your banana and the soil will not rot. Corrosion of banana peel causes many problems for the plant. Because it attracts a lot of insects to the soil.

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